Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm what???!!!

The day I found out I was pregnant was a day filled with many emotions. I had been married for about 5 months. We knew we wanted kids right away but I was convinced that it would take a year or more. Well, that wasn't the case.

I had been very stressed at work and hadn't been feeling too well. I was not getting enough sleep and my eating habits weren't the best. No breakfast, a candy bar for lunch and a bowl of cereal for dinner was a typical day for me. So I wasn't surprised when I started feeling tired and drained. But when I was sick in the morning three days in a row, I thought something else might be up. After one or two or three home pregnancy tests, I was sure. I WAS PREGNANT!!! I was happy but also extremely scared, feeling completely unprepared. How could this have happened so soon? I mean I know how it happened but it was a shocker. I "told" my husband by leaving one of the tests on the bathroom counter. I could tell by the look on his face that he was feeling the same as I was. Then I made him take a test to make sure that his was negative. It was all very scientific. That was the moment when my life as I knew it changed. I found out that changes to come were much more dramatic but up to that point, it was the biggest change I had ever known.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Ha ha ha, you made him take a test too. Thats the best thing I have read all day. Congrats!