Monday, June 2, 2008

Do you have a minute?

So I found out I was pregnant on a Thursday morning. I took the first test when I was getting ready for work first thing in the morning. I went home on lunch and took another test just to be sure. Meanwhile, my husband is calling everyone he knows to tell them of the good news that very morning. He works for the same company that I do and we know a lot of the same people. I figured I had better tell my boss before someone else did because my overly enthusiastic husband jumped the gun. I mean, I hadn't even told my parents yet.

After a meeting that afternoon, I asked my boss if he had a minute. I was nervous and my mouth was dry. I didn't have a chance to think about how I was going to tell him but I knew I had to do it then or he might have voice mails about the subject when he got back to his office. So I just blurted out, "I think I am going to need some time off in about 9 months." He understood and said all of the things your boss is supposed to say - Congratulations! I am so happy for you! When are you due? It was then that I had to say that I hadn't even been to the doctor and I had literally found out that morning. I would have preferred to not say anything until my due date but I guess it all worked out. One uncomfortable conversation out the way.

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