Monday, June 16, 2008

Am I being a brat...

It's a boy. Now we can concentrate on getting all of the baby gear and decorating his room. This was what I was waiting for. But where do you start?

Like I said before, my sisters-in-law have small children - 3 boys and 1 girl. They had all of the baby stuff that you need - cribs, changing tables, pack-n-plays, strollers, clothes, clothes, did I mention clothes??!!!

But I wanted my own things. I don't mind hand-me-downs. In fact, I welcome most of them. But this was my first baby, my mother's first grand baby. She wanted to get us the crib. I went shopping with her and fell in love with several of the cribs. They were just so fabulous and they turn into beds too! What more could I ask for? So starts the drama. My husband wanted to take the used crib from one sister-in-law. The crib was perfectly fine - clean, up to the latest safety standards, neutral color. It would do the job. He thought my mother could spend the money on other things we would need because cribs don't come cheap. We already had a toddler bed and a twin bed that could be used for later on so there was no need for the convertible crib.

Was I being a selfish brat? Was I being greedy and ungrateful? Probably. In the end, I decided to take the used crib. I wasn't happy about it and I may have shed a few bratty tears. But I think it was the right decision in the end.

One crisis averted - on to the next!

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