Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I feel great...

It is amazing how good I felt after my first trimester. The best part was that I had a lot of energy. I had heard about nesting but I didn't know it would become an all-consuming need. I would think about cleaning and organizing at all hours. At work I would make lists of things that needed to be done at home. I would wake up in the middle of the night and think of things that I had to do. How could I sleep knowing that the ridges in the seal of the freezer were filthy and needed a good scrubbing?

I had this spare bedroom that was to become the baby's room. This room was piled high with the 'I don't know where else to put it' crap. This was the first priority. But where do you put all the stuff? So I had to clear out other parts of the house first in order to accommodate this acculmulation of junk. The reason the room had gotten to this point is because every time I tried to clear it out, it became overwhelming. But now I was super woman so it was going to get done.

A lot of the stuff was old bills that I was afraid to throw away. So I spent hours at a shredder. I had a lot of things that I didn't throw away because I thought I would need them again at some point. But I figured if it hadn't seen the light of day in 3 years, I wouldn't miss it.

I cleaned out closets. I threw away or donated tons of clothing. I finally got rid of the red snake skin pleather pants that I wore to spring break in Cancun when I was 19. I also washed every article of clothing in my house. I hooked up a TV in my basement so I could wash, fold and organize mountains of clothes.

Slowly but surely I checked off the items on my list. These accomplishments, small as they may have been, felt great. It meant that I was this much closer to being ready for my baby.

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