Thursday, June 11, 2009

Follow-Up Appointment...

The day of my appointment had finally arrived. My husband, son and I arrived at the office. A very busy office I might add. I had asked for directions when I had made the appointment because they had 2 locations. I had to sign in at the front desk and take a seat. About a 1/2 hour later, 15 minutes past my appointment time, they called me to the desk and informed me that my appointment was at the other location. I assured them that it was not because I had specifically made sure that it was here. They didn't have availability for me at that office. I told them there was no way I was leaving that office without my sonogram. Were they trying to give me an ulcer? They asked me wait a minute and then let me know that someone would be able to see me but I might have to wait a while. I was prepared to set up a sleeping bag and spend the night if I had to. I wasn't leaving.

About an hour and one hungry toddler later, I was called into the office. The three of us trekked in with the nurse and I undressed from the waist down, ready to hear my the fate of the baby I hadn't even known I wanted.

The way the table was set up didn't allow me to see the screen. These sonograms are done for high risk pregnancies so I didn't know if that was done intentionally or not. But it was maddening. My husband stood over her shoulder as she did the sonogram and neither of them would look at me. I was afraid to say anything so I waited, searching their faces for some sign of what they were seeing. After an eternity my husband looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. There was a heartbeat. Then he got this shocked look on his face and said that there were 2 heartbeats. Luckily he was only kidding. Turns out the heartbeat was nice and strong and I was measuring about 7 weeks at that time. My cycle had been off and I hadn't really been as far along as I thought initially.

Relief filled my body and now I could finally let myself be happy about the new arrival.

1 comment:

cla said...

More updates, please!!! :o) I love reading your blog! hehe